Saturday, November 2, 2013

Hello fellow CFM and Trapzilla Athletes! I have created this blog so you guys can see what programming is going to be each week and what we are trying to achieve/work on in each Metcon. This blog will be updated periodically with detailed notes on everything we do in the gym. So please use it and stay current! Oh and tell other CFM members so they know whats going on too!

Here's a cool video to watch and start adding to your extra work!

 CF2 Strength
11/4/2013 Backsquat 95%x1x3
11/5/2013 Push Press 85%x2x3 80%x3x1
11/6/2013 Clean + High hang clean + low hang clean to heavy set (no more than 2 misses at any given weight)
11/7/2013 Snatch to a heavy double (no more than 2 misses at any given weight)
11/8/2013 Deadlift 90%x2x3 80%x3x1

CF2 Conditioning
11/4/2013  AMRAP 12 min 10 CTB Pull ups 10 KB Swings 4 KB Snatches (ALT) - Goodbye forearms...
11/5/2013 5 Rounds for Time 400m run 60 double unders
11/6/2013 EMOM 1 Power Clean + 1 Squat clean @77.5% of 1RM and 5 HSPU for 10min
11/7/2013 3 Rounds for Total Time 8 OH Walking lunges(Loaded bar) 95/65 16 burpees rest 1min
11/8/2013 3 Rounds For Time 10 Wall Walks 10 Toe to Bar 20 Box overs with DB's

CF 1 Strength
11/4/2013 Backsquat 5-5-5-5 small jumps, no misses
11/5/2013 Push Press 5-5-5-5 small jumps, no misses
11/6/2013 Clean From Hang
11/7/2013 Snatch From Hang
11/8/2013 Deadlift 3-3-3 looking for a heavy triple
CF 1 Conditioning
11/4/2013 AMRAP 12min 10 pull ups 20 Russian KB Swings (heavy)
11/5/2013 5 Rounds 400m run 120 single unders
11/6/2013 EMOM 5DB Cleans 5 HR/Pike Puships 10min
11/7/2013 Same as CF2 with DB (dumbells)
11/8/2013 Same as CF2

There's the first week of CFM / TZ training blog forum please tell your friends and comment below with any questions thanks! P.S Send me videos and pictures of you guys doing cool stuff(PR's and such and they will get put up on the site) EMAILS SEND TO:

 - Coach Cris Holler