Sunday, March 2, 2014
Training 3/2-3/8 Open Week 2
CF 2 Strength
Monday-15 minutes to snatch to max
Tuesday-20 minutes: Back Squat 4 @ 8 Repeat) 4-6% Fatigue
Wednesday-20 minutes: Push Press 3 @ 8 (Repeat) 4-6% Fatigue
Thursday-15 minutes to C&J to max
Friday-20 minutes: Paused Front Squat 5 @ 8 (Repeat) 4-6% Fatigue
Saturday-Make up
CF 2 Conditioning
Monday-5 rounds for total reps:60 seconds max cals on Airdyne
60 seconds max Russian kettlebell swings, 24kg/16kg
60 seconds rest
Tuesday-AMRAP 10 minutes:24 double unders
8 toes-to-bar
Wednesday-4 rounds for time:20 walking lunges, 55#/35# dumbbells
10 L-Pullups
TIMECAP: 13 minutes
Thursday-3 rounds:1:00 wall ball. 20#/14#
1:00 sit-ups
1:00 burpees
1:00 rest
Friday-9-7-5 reps for time:Thruster 155#/105#
TIMECAP: 12 minutes
CF 1 Strength
Monday-15 minutes snatch practice - coach chooses 1st, 2nd, or 3rd position
Tuesday-20 minutes: Back Squat 4 @ 8 Repeat) 4-6% Fatigue
Wednesday-20 minutes: Push Press 3 @ 8 (Repeat) 4-6% Fatigue
Thursday-15 minutes clean practice - coach chooses 1st, 2nd, or 3rd position
Friday-20 minutes: Paused Front Squat 5 @ 8 (Repeat) 4-6% Fatigue
CF 1 Conditioning
Monday-5 rounds for total reps:60 seconds max cals on Airdyne
60 seconds max Russian kettlebell swings, 24kg
60 seconds rest
Tuesday-AMRAP 10 minutes:24 double unders OR 75 jump rope
8 toes-to-bar OR 10 hanging leg raises
Wednesday-4 rounds for time:20 walking lunges w/dumbbells
10 strict pullups OR strict ring rows
TIMECAP: 13 minutes
Thursday-3 rounds:1:00 wall ball
1:00 sit-ups
1:00 burpees
1:00 rest
Friday-9-7-5 reps for time:Thruster
Strict Pullup
Strict Ring Dip
TIMECAP: 12 minutes