Sunday, February 2, 2014

Training 2/3-2/8 Open Prep

Hi guys! Jacob and I have decided to change a few things again leading up to the open, to get you all more into a more conditioning phase. Now that doesn't mean we are not doing strength and weightlifting, but it will be at a lower volume more meant to maintain current strength. Some days will begin with conditioning, where others will be as normal. We look forward to seeing improvements!

Here is Alex Hubbard Back squatting 407x2 a New 1RM and 2RM!! Congrats buddy!

CF 2 Strength

Monday-3 position snatch, 75%x1x8 on :60

Tuesday-Back Squat AMRAP 10 minutes @ 75%

Wednesday-Deadlift Build to a set of 5 @ RPE 9, then drop for two sets of 5 @ RPE 8.5

Thursday-3 position clean & jerk 75%x1x8 on :60

Friday-Back Squat 15 minutes to ascend to 3 @ 9


CF 2 Conditioning

Monday-5 rounds for time: 10 chest-to-bar pullups 18 walking lunges, moderate weight dumbbellsTIMECAP: 12 minutes

Tuesday-AMRAP 7 minutes: 7 box jumps, 30"/24" 7 thrusters, 115#/75#

Wednesday-5 rounds for time: 8 clean & jerk, 115#/75# 12 toes-to-bar Run 200mTIMECAP: 13 minutes

Thursday-AMRAP 10 minutes:10 dumbbell snatch, 55#/35#, alternating
10 burpees

Friday-4 rounds for time:15 overhead walking lunges, 45#/25# plate
15 pullups
15 pushups
TIMECAP: 12 minutes

Saturday-Partner workout

CF 1 Strength

Monday-3 position snatch, 8-10 sets with good form

Tuesday-Back SquatSets of 3 for 10 minutes @ or slightly below weight for most recent 3x5

Wednesday- DeadliftBuild to a set of 5 @ RPE 9, then drop for two sets of 5 @ RPE 8.5 (Coach judges RPE!)

Thursday-3 position clean & jerk, 8-10 sets with good form

Friday-Back Squat15 minutes to ascend to 3 @ 9 (coach judges RPE!)

Saturday-Make up

CF 1 Conditioning

Monday-5 rounds for time:8 pullups or ring rows
16 walking lunges

Tuesday-AMRAP 7 minutes:7 box jumps
7 thrusters

Wednesday-5 rounds for time:8 dumbbell hang clean + push press
10 strict hanging leg raise
Run 200m

Thursday-AMRAP 10 minutes:10 dumbbell HANG snatch, alternating
10 burpees

Friday-4 rounds for time:15 walking lunges
10 pullups or ring rows
15 pushups

TIMECAP: 12 minutes

Saturday-Partner Wod