Sunday, April 27, 2014

4/28-5/3 2014

Coach Cris drove to LA with Harper Foley this weekend to compete in the 8min of Hell Throwdown, they and 18 other high level athletes had qualified for. Coach Cris finished 3rd and Harper Foley close behind at 4th!!

To get in on these events check out

CF 2 Strength

Monday-Paused Back Squat
20 minutes to build to 1 @ 8, drop to 3 @ 9 (load drop) 4-6% fatigue

Tuesday-Hang Clean & Jerk
20 minutes to heavy single, then 85-90%x(2+1)x2

Wednesday-Bench Press
20 minutes to build to 1 @ 8, drop to 3 @ 9 (load drop) 4-6% fatigue

Thursday-Hang Snatch
20 minutes to heavy single, then 85-90%x2x2

Friday-Back Squat
20 minutes to build to 1 @ 8, drop to 2 @ 9 (load drop) 4-6% fatigue

Saturday-No Strength Make up

CF 2 Conditioning

Monday-For time:Run 800m
40 dumbbell snatches, 55#/35#, alternating
20 handstand pushups

TIMECAP: 15 minutes

Tuesday-"AMRAP 10 minutes:

Run 200m carrying 45#/25# plate

10 burpees, jumping onto plate"

Wednesday-For total reps:3:00 wall ball
3:00 box jumps
3:00 pullups
3:00 calories on Airdyne

Thursday-21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time:Kettlebell Swing, 24kg/16kg
20 double unders after each set

TIMECAP: 10 minutes

Friday-AMRAP 8 minutes:10 thrusters, 75#/55#
10 toes-to-bar

Saturday-Put the class into teams of 4-5 people. They have 6 minutes at each station to complete as much work as possible. Two people may work at a time. Give the class a few minutes to get set up at each station. There should be one group at each station.
1) Max calories on rower
2) Max wall ball shots
3) Max distance prowler push, 155#/105#, high handles only (do this in the alley by the gym)
4) Max power clean & jerks, 155#/105#
5) Max rope climbs

CF 1 Strength

Monday-Paused Back Squat
20 minutes to build to 1 @ 8, drop to 3 @ 9 (load drop) 4-6% fatigue

Tuesday-20 minutes working on jerk, coach selects exercise depending on athlete's ability. Newer athletes should focus on dip & drive and basic foot position drills (X drill, drop jerk.)

Wednesday-Bench Press
20 minutes to build to 1 @ 8, drop to 3 @ 9 (load drop) 4-6% fatigue

Thursday-20 minutes practicing hang snatch. Emphasize correct bar path, sweeping bar into hips, finishing tall, and pulling to the receiving position.

Friday-Back Squat
20 minutes to build to 1 @ 8, drop to 2 @ 9 (load drop) 4-6% fatigue

Saturday-No Strength

CF 1 Conditioning

Monday-For time:Run 800m
40 dumbbell snatches, alternating
20 deficit pushups

TIMECAP: 15 minutes

Tuesday-AMRAP 10 minutes:Run 200m carrying 45#/25# plate
10 burpees, jumping onto plate

Wednesday-For total reps:3:00 wall ball
3:00 box jumps
3:00 pullups
3:00 calories on Airdyne

Thursday-21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time:Russian Kettlebell Swing
20 double unders OR 35 single unders after each set

TIMECAP: 10 minutes

Friday-AMRAP 8 minutes:10 thrusters
10 toes-to-bar OR knees-to-chest

Saturday-Put the class into teams of 4-5 people. They have 6 minutes at each station to complete as much work as possible. Two people may work at a time. Give the class a few minutes to get set up at each station. There should be one group at each station.
1) Max calories on rower
2) Max wall ball shots
3) Max distance prowler push, 155#/105#, high handles only (do this in the alley by the gym)
4) Max power clean & jerks, 155#/105#
5) Max rope climbs