Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Training 4/7/2014-4/12/2014

Hey CFM members sorry about the delay on the programming! Coach Cris will be going to NPFL this month to try and qualify for a 2nd combine draft in June to try and be paid to work out.. Weird right? Would you like to see Team Holler shirts for sale?? Give me your input!

CF 2 Strength

Monday-20 minutes: Front Squat 5 @ 9 (Load Drop) 4-6% Fatigue

Tuesday-20 minutes: Clean from 1st position + Paused Jerk, build to heavy single then 90%x2x3

Wednesday-20 minutes: Paused Deadlift 5 @ 9 (Load Drop) 4-6% Fatigue

Thursday-20 minutes: Back Squat 5 @ 9 (Load Drop) 4-6% Fatigue

Friday-20 minutes:Snatch from 1st position, build to heavy single then 90%x2x3

Saturday-Make up

CF 2 Conditioning

Monday-"AMRAP 15 minutes:
15 kettlebell swings, 24kg/16kg
12 Goblet squats
9 clapping pushups"

Tuesday-"For time:
10 thrusters, 135#/95#
50 double unders
8 thrusters
40 double unders
6 thrusters
30 double unders
4 thrusters
20 double unders
2 thrusters
10 double unders

TIMECAP: 10 minutes"

Wednesday-"For total reps:
3:00 row for calories
3:00 strict pullups
3:00 Airdyne for calories
3:00 strict ring dips"

Thursday-"6 rounds for total working time:
Run 200m
10 hang clusters, 95#/65#
Rest 60 seconds


Friday-"15-12-9 for time:
Power Clean 155#/105#

TIMECAP: 6 minutes"


CF 1 Strength

Monday-20 minutes: Front Squat 5 @ 9 (Load Drop) 4-6% Fatigue

Tuesday-20 minutes: Practice clean from 1st position

Wednesday-20 minutes: Deadlift 5 @ 9 (Load Drop) 4-6% Fatigue

Thursday-20 minutes: Back Squat 5 @ 9 (Load Drop) 4-6% Fatigue

Friday-20 minutes: Practice snatch from 1st position

Saturday-Make up

CF 1 Conditioning

Monday-"AMRAP 15 minutes:
15 Russian swings
12 Goblet squats
9 pushups"

Tuesday-"For time:
10 thrusters
50 double unders OR 100 single unders
8 thrusters
40 double unders OR 80 single unders
6 thrusters
30 double unders OR 60 single unders
4 thrusters
20 double unders OR 40 single unders
2 thrusters
10 double unders OR 20 single unders


Wednesday-"For total reps:
3:00 row for calories
3:00 strict pullups
3:00 Airdyne for calories
3:00 strict ring dips"

Thursday-"6 rounds for total working time:
Run 200m
10 dumbbell hang clusters, 95#/65#
Rest 60 seconds


Friday-"15-12-9 for time:
Dumbbel Hangl Power Clean

TIMECAP: 6 minutes"
