Sunday, November 24, 2013

Training 11/25-11/30 (Thanksgiving week)

I have no new news nor do I have any cool videos to show you because nobody has sent any in so.. Hai
CF 2 Strength

Monday- Backsquat 82.5%x4x5

Tuesday- Clean to Max

Wednesday- Front Squat 85%x3x5

Thursday- Closed For Thanksgiving

Friday- Snatch to Max

Saturday- Deadlift to Max

CF 2 Conditioning

Monday- 30-20-10 DB Walking Lunges DB Push Press use same weight you did on lunges (perscribe per person)

Tuesday-For Time Run 800m 15 Pull ups 15 Russian Kb Swings 30 Box Jumps Run 400m

Wednesday- 2 Rounds Tabata Sit ups / Tabata Burpees / Tabata Ring Dips Notes: Workout is done for 8 rounds each movement 20 sec work 10 sec rest alternate between movements after the 8 sets have been done lowest score goes on board

Thursday- Closed

Friday- EMOM 10 min Rounds Snatch + TnG Snatch 70% of todays max and max HR Pushups (Score total HR Push ups)

Saturday- "Fran" 21-15-9 Thrusters (95/65) / Pull ups 6min CAP

CF 1 Strength

Monday- Backsquat 4-4-4-4-4

Tuesday- Clean from POS 2 or hang

Wednesday- Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3

Thursday- Closed

Friday- Snatch From Hang or POS 2

Saturday- Deadlift 5-5-5 to a heavy top set of 5 (Not a 5RM but close)

CF 1 Conditioning

Monday- 30-20-10 DB Walking Lunges DB Push Press use same weight you did on lunges (perscribe per person)

Tuesday- For Time Run 800m 15 Pull ups 15 Russian Kb Swings 30 Box Jumps Run 400m

Wednesday- 2 Rounds Tabata Sit ups / Tabata Burpees / Tabata Ring Dips Notes: Workout is done for 8 rounds each movement 20 sec work 10 sec rest alternate between movements after the 8 sets have been done lowest score goes on board

Thursday- Closed

Friday- EMOM 10 min 6 DB snatches (alt) and max HR push ups

Saturday- DB Fran 21-15-9 DB thrusters and pull ups/ring rows 9min CAP

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Training Week of 11/18/2013-11/23/2013

Hello CFM'rs I along with the other coaches have been getting a lot of confusion on these TZ warm ups so I'M going to briefly explain what and how we want you to do them along with provide you with a movement guide that will help you further in figuring out what you should be doing to improve your weaknesses in our daily warm ups!

So first and foremost the TZ warm up is individualized so that not only are you getting yourself warm but you have time to gradually improve upon your skill weaknesses by slowly adding volume to the movements you have chosen to work on. With that being said I feel, and sure the other coaches would agree, that you should be sticking with the Push/Pull movements that a coach has helped you chose or you have agreed upon with a coach for at least 4-6 weeks while slowly adding volume to each movement. (Example week 1: 1-2 Strict pull ups and 1-2 Strict HSPU week 2: 2 -3 strict pull ups and 2-3 HSPU basic example) For the mid-line and squatting work it can change slightly more often but should still hold to the rule of improving (aka adding volume or time etc).. If you guys have further questions regarding the TZ warm up don't hesitate to ask.

Movement Guide for the TZ Warm up is as follows (keep in mind there are more but not all are listed)
Strict pullup
Strict CTB pullup
Strict Chin-Up
Strict CTB chin-up
Kipping pullup
Kipping CTB pullup
Ring Row

True Pushup
Handstand Pushup
Ring Dip
Ring Pushup

Front Plank
Side Plank
Hollow Rock
Superman Rock
Plank Walk
Turkish Get-Up (keep reps low, these take time)

Air Squat
Goblet Squat
Overhead Squat
Jerk grip overhead squat
Walking lunge
Goblet walking lunge
One legged squat
Step-Up (keep proper squat mechanics!)

CF 2 Strength

Monday- Backsquat 80%5x5

Tuesday- Clean and jerk every 90 sec starting at 75% of 1rm clean and jerk add weight after 2 but no more than 4 successful lifts x15

Wednesday- Front Squat 82.5%x3x6

Thursday- Bench 3x5 add 5lbs from most recent top set of 5

Friday- Snatch From below knee 90%x1x8

Saturday- Make Up strength Movement

CF 2 Conditioning

Monday-For Time run 1200m 63 KB Swings 36 Pull ups

Tuesday-For Max Load Without letting go of the bar "The Kent Plex" 5 Power cleans 5 front squats 5 push press 5 back squats 5 push jerks 5 power cleans 15min time limit

Wednesday-3 Rounds for Time 12 OH Walking lunges 10 Burpees 50 Double unders

Thursday-EMOM 10min 2 Deadlifts 275/155 1 Rope Climb (or 5 strict pull ups)

Friday- For Time 2-4-6-8-10-12 Thrusters 115/85 / Toe to bars Rest 1min Then 200 Double unders

Saturday-Conditioning make up for "Kent Plex" or other missed

CF1 Strength

Monday-Backsquat 5-5-5-5-5 no misses small jumps

Tuesday-Jerk From Rack to Heavy Single

Wednesday-Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3

Thursday-Bench 5-5-5

Friday-Snatch from below knee (review OH squat warm up and POS 1 warm up then proceed to below knee

Saturday-Same as CF2

CF1 Conditioning

Monday-Scale as Needed per athlete For Time Run 1200m 63 Russian Kb Swings 36 Pull ups / Ring Rows

Tuesday-"Kent Plex" Perform 3 Cycles wiithout letting the DB down 5 hang power cleans 5 squats(DB held on shoulder) 5 shoulder to overhead 5 squats 5 shoulder to overhead 5 hang power cleans......... Start on the lighter side and add if capable

Wednesday-3 Rounds for Time 12 OH walking lunges 10 burpees 100 single unders

Thursday-EMOM 10min 7 DB Deadlifts 5-10 Ring Rows or 2-5 Strict Pull ups

Friday-For time 2-4-6-8-10-12 DB Thrusters / Knee to elbow or hanging knee raises rest 1min 400 Single unders

Saturday-Same as CF2

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Training 11/11/2013-11/16/2013

This week we are testing a few things as our cycles have drawn to a close. Make sure your rested and well fed and make some gainz yo! If you are going to miss any of the testing days, its fine you will be able to make them up on Saturday.

This... FYI Aaron got rhabdo from this just to make it on the internets

CF2 Strength
11/11/13 Back squat 1RM
11/12/13 EMOM Double Snatch (from floor) @75% of 2RM add weight every 2 good sets
11/13/13 Front Squat 75%x4x7
11/14/13 Clean+TnG(touch and go)+Jerk to Max
11/15/13 Push Press 1RM
11/16/13 Strength Make up from whatever day(s) you missed (Pick 1)

CF2 Conditioning

11/11/13 Veterans Memorial Day workout “Rankel”
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
225 pound Deadlift, 6 reps
7 Burpee pull-ups
10 Kettlebell swings, 2 poodRun 200 meters
U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant John Rankel, 23

11/12/13 3 Rounds 10 Overhead squats 135/95 50 double unders
11/13/13 3 Rounds 1min DB Snatch (alt) 70/50 1min Ring Dips 1min Tuck Jumps 1min rest
11/14/13 12-10-8-6-4-2 Deadlifts 255/155 Box Jumps 30'
11/15/13 Every 2:00 Run 200m x10
11/16/2013 Conditioning make up for those who missed testing Grace or EMOM 3 Thrusters 3 CTB Pull ups x12 min

CF 1 Strength
11/11/13 Backsquat 3x5 add 5lbs based off top set of most recent set of 5
11/12/13 Snatch From Hang
11/13/13 Front Squat 4-4-4-4-4-4-4 small jumps all good reps no misses
11/14/13 Clean form Hang
11/15/13 Push Press 3x5 add 5lbs based on top set of most recent set of 5
11/16/13 Same as CF2

CF 1 Conditioning
11/11/13 “Rankel”
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
225 pound Deadlift, 6 reps
7 Burpee pull-ups
10 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
Run 200 meters
U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant John Rankel, 23
11/12/13 3 Rounds 10 OH squats / 15 Goblet squat jumps (heavy) 100 single unders
11/13/13 Same as CF2
11/14/13 Same as CF2
11/15/13 Same as CF2
11/16/13 EMOM 5 DB Thrusters 3 Pull ups x12 min

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Hello fellow CFM and Trapzilla Athletes! I have created this blog so you guys can see what programming is going to be each week and what we are trying to achieve/work on in each Metcon. This blog will be updated periodically with detailed notes on everything we do in the gym. So please use it and stay current! Oh and tell other CFM members so they know whats going on too!

Here's a cool video to watch and start adding to your extra work!

 CF2 Strength
11/4/2013 Backsquat 95%x1x3
11/5/2013 Push Press 85%x2x3 80%x3x1
11/6/2013 Clean + High hang clean + low hang clean to heavy set (no more than 2 misses at any given weight)
11/7/2013 Snatch to a heavy double (no more than 2 misses at any given weight)
11/8/2013 Deadlift 90%x2x3 80%x3x1

CF2 Conditioning
11/4/2013  AMRAP 12 min 10 CTB Pull ups 10 KB Swings 4 KB Snatches (ALT) - Goodbye forearms...
11/5/2013 5 Rounds for Time 400m run 60 double unders
11/6/2013 EMOM 1 Power Clean + 1 Squat clean @77.5% of 1RM and 5 HSPU for 10min
11/7/2013 3 Rounds for Total Time 8 OH Walking lunges(Loaded bar) 95/65 16 burpees rest 1min
11/8/2013 3 Rounds For Time 10 Wall Walks 10 Toe to Bar 20 Box overs with DB's

CF 1 Strength
11/4/2013 Backsquat 5-5-5-5 small jumps, no misses
11/5/2013 Push Press 5-5-5-5 small jumps, no misses
11/6/2013 Clean From Hang
11/7/2013 Snatch From Hang
11/8/2013 Deadlift 3-3-3 looking for a heavy triple
CF 1 Conditioning
11/4/2013 AMRAP 12min 10 pull ups 20 Russian KB Swings (heavy)
11/5/2013 5 Rounds 400m run 120 single unders
11/6/2013 EMOM 5DB Cleans 5 HR/Pike Puships 10min
11/7/2013 Same as CF2 with DB (dumbells)
11/8/2013 Same as CF2

There's the first week of CFM / TZ training blog forum please tell your friends and comment below with any questions thanks! P.S Send me videos and pictures of you guys doing cool stuff(PR's and such and they will get put up on the site) EMAILS SEND TO:

 - Coach Cris Holler