Sunday, May 25, 2014


CF2 Strength

Monday-15 minutes: Deadlift 2 @ 6, two down sets (repeat)

Tuesday-12 minutes: Bench Press 2 @ 7, two down sets (load drop)

Wednesday -Power Clean

15 minutes: 60%x2, 65%x2, 70%x1x2, 75%x1

Thursday-15 minutes: Back Squat 2 @ 6, two down sets (repeat)

Friday -Power Snatch

15 minutes: 60%x2, 65%x2, 70%x1x2, 75%x1

Saturday-Powerlifting Total

3 attempts each to 1RM squat, bench press, deadlift

CF2 Conditioning

Monday-3 rounds for time:

Run 400m

12 push press, 135#/85#

TIMECAP: 10 minutes

Tuesday-3 rounds for total reps;

1 minute row for calories

1 minute burpees

1 minute airdyne for calories

1 minute wall ball

1 minute rest

Wednesday -AMRAP 10 minutes:

12 overhead squats, 115#/75#

12 kettlebell swings, 24kg/16kg

12 chest-to-bar pullups

Thursday-4 rounds for time:

6 power cleans, 135#/95#

15 sit-ups

Friday -3 rounds for time:

15 goblet squats, 24kg/16kg

12 ring dips

50 double unders

TIMECAP: 12 minutes


CF1 Strength

Monday-15 minutes: Deadlift 2 @ 6, two down sets (repeat)

Tuesday-12 minutes: Bench Press 2 @ 7, two down sets (load drop)

Wednesday -15 minutes of jerk practice

Coach chooses exercise

Thursday-15 minutes: Back Squat 2 @ 6, two down sets (repeat)

Friday -Power Snatch

15 minutes: 60%x2, 65%x2, 70%x1x2, 75%x1

Saturday-Power lifting total

CF 1 Conditioning

Monday-Same as CF2 Scaled

Tuesday-Same as CF2 Scaled

Wednesday -AMRAP 10 minutes:

12 overhead squats OR Goblet squats

12 Russian kettlebell swings

12 pullups OR ring rows

Thursday-4 rounds for time:

6 dumbbell hang power cleans

15 sit-ups

Friday -3 rounds for time:

15 goblet squats

12 ring dips OR pushups

50 double unders OR 75 single unders

TIMECAP: 12 minutes


Sunday, May 18, 2014


CF2 Strength

Monday-Snatch 15x1 on :60

Start @ 80%, add weight after no fewer than 2 but no more than 4 good lifts.

Tuesday-Paused Front Squat

20 minutes to build to 1 @ 9, drop to 3 @ 9 (load drop) 3 down sets

Wednesday-Clean & Jerk 15x1 on :60

Start @ 80%, add weight after no fewer than 2 but no more than 4 good lifts.

Thursday-Back Squat

20 minutes to 1 @ 8, drop to 4 @ 9 (load drop) three down sets


20 minutes to 1 @ 9, drop to 3 @ 9 (load drop) 3 down sets


CF 2 Conditioning

Monday-Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes:

5 power cleans, 115#/75#

5 thrusters, 115#/75#

5 power snatch, 115#/75#

5 overhead squats, 115#/75#

Tuesday-AMRAP 12 minutes:

15 pullups

12 walking lunges, 55#/35# dumbbells

9 burpees

Wednesday-For time:

Run 800m

50 squats

25 ring dips OR pushups

Run 400m

35 squats

15 ring dips OR pushups

Run 200m

20 squats

5 ring dips OR pushups

TIMECAP: 20 miinutes

Thursday-AMRAP 10 minutes:

30 double unders OR 60 single unders

15 Russian kettlebell swings

Friday-3 rounds for time:

20 box jumps OR step-ups

15 pullups OR ring rows

10 deadlifts

TIMECAP: 12 minutes


CF 1 Strength

Monday-Snatch Variation of coach's choice

15x1 on :60, addling load ONLY as mechanics allow

Tuesday-Paused Front Squat

20 minutes to build to 1 @ 9, drop to 3 @ 9 (load drop) 3 down sets

Wednesday-Clean Variation of coach's choice

15x1 on :60, addling load ONLY as mechanics allow

Thursday-Back Squat

20 minutes to 1 @ 8, drop to 4 @ 9 (load drop) three down sets


20 minutes to 1 @ 9, drop to 3 @ 9 (load drop) 3 down sets


CF 1 Conditioning

Monday-Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes:

5 dumbbell hang power cleans

5 dumbbell thrusters

5 dumbbell power snatch, alternating

5 dumbbell squats (load on shoulders)

Tuesday-AMRAP 12 minutes:

15 pullups OR ring rows

12 walking lunges w/dumbbells

9 burpees

Wednesday-For time:

Run 800m

50 squats

25 ring dips OR pushups

Run 400m

35 squats

15 ring dips OR pushups

Run 200m

20 squats

5 ring dips OR pushups

TIMECAP: 20 miinutes

Thursday-AMRAP 10 minutes:

30 double unders OR 60 single unders

15 Russian kettlebell swings

Friday-3 rounds for time:

20 box jumps OR step-ups

15 pullups OR ring rows

10 deadlifts

TIMECAP: 12 minutes


Sunday, May 11, 2014


Hi Guys Jacob and I will be gone all this week as of Wednesday and we will be back on the 28th. Also other news we have Progenex orders in as of Tuesday possibly Monday. There are Extra, so if you would like one please speak with one of the coaches! Last news Update we are doing a Memorial Murph WoD this coming weekend please come and celebrate with a fun workout!

CF 2 Strength

Monday-Paused Back Squat
20 minutes to build to 1 @ 9, drop to 3 @ 9 (load drop) 3 down sets

Tuesday-Bench Press
20 minutes to build ot 1 @ 9, drop to 3 @ 9 (load drop) 3 down sets

In 20 minutes: 70%x2, 75%x2x2, 80%x1, 85%x1x3

Thursday-Front Squat
20 minutes to build to 1 @ 9, drop to 3 @ 9 (load drop) 3 down sets

Friday-Clean & Jerk
In 20 minutes: 70%x(1+2), 75%x(1+2)x2, 80%x1, 85%x1x3


CF 2 Conditioning

Monday-"Nancy"5 rounds for time:
Run 400m
15 overhead squats, 95#/65#

TIMECAP: 20 minutes

Tuesday-AMRAP 10 minutes: 5 deadlifts, 275#
10 toes-to-bar
15 squats

Wednesday-30-20-10 reps for time:Power Clean 115#/75#
Hand Release Pushups

75 double unders after each round

TIMECAP: 15 minutes

Thursday-7 rounds for time:7 hang squat snatch, 95#/65#
7 pullups
7 sit-ups

TIMECAP: 10 minutes

Friday-4 rounds for time:15 burpees
15 thrusters, 115#/75#

TIMECAP: 10 minutes


CF 1 Strength

Monday-Paused Back Squat
20 minutes to build to 1 @ 9, drop to 3 @ 9 (load drop) 3 down sets

Tuesday-Bench Press
20 minutes to build ot 1 @ 9, drop to 3 @ 9 (load drop) 3 down sets

20 minutes of practice. More advanced athletes should be working up to moderately heavy weight from the floor.

Thursday-Front Squat
20 minutes to build to 1 @ 9, drop to 3 @ 9 (load drop) 3 down sets

20 minutes of practice. More advanced athletes should be working up to moderately heavy weight from the rack.


CF 1 Conditioning

Monday-5 rounds for time:Run 400m
15 overhead squats or Goblet squats

TIMECAP: 20 minutes

Tuesday-AMRAP 10 minutes: 5 deadlifts
10 toes-to-bar OR knees-to-chest
15 squats

Wednesday-30-20-10 reps for time:Dumbbell Hang Power Clean

75 double unders OR 150 single unders after each round

TIMECAP: 15 minutes

Thursday-7 rounds for time:7 dumbbell hang power snatch
7 pullups OR ring rows
7 sit-ups

TIMECAP: 10 minutes

Friday-4 rounds for time:15 burpees
15 thrusters

TIMECAP: 10 minutes


Sunday, May 4, 2014

5/5-5/10 2014

Progenex orders must be in by this Thursday by 5PM we will be ordering for everyone who needs it. Let Coach Cris, Tre or Emmily at the front desk know and have your pre-order money on hand if possible thanks!

CF 2 Strength

Monday-Snatch + Hang Snatch + High Hang Snatch, 20 minutes to top set

Tuesday-Front Squat
25 minutes to build to 1 @ 9, drop to 2 @ 9 (load drop) 4-6% fatigue (3 down sets)

Wednesday-Deadlift 25 minutes to build to 1 @ 9, drop to 2 @ 9 (load drop) 4-6% fatigue (2 down sets)

Thursday-Clean + Hang Clean + High Hang Clean, 20 minutes to top set

Friday-Back Squat
25 minutes to build to 1 @ 9, drop to 2 @ 9 (load drop) 4-6% fatigue (3 down sets)

Saturday-Make up

CF 2 Conditioning

Monday-3 rounds for time:30 kettlebell swings, 24kg/16kg
20 toes-to-bar
10 clean & jerk, 135#/95#

TIMECAP: 15 minutes

Tuesday-For time:50 crossover pushups on kettlebell
Run 600m
40 pullups
Run 400m
30 one legged squats, alternating
Run 200m

TIMECAP: 15 minutes

Wednesday-9-7-5 for time:Deadlift 275#/185#
Burpee Muscle-Up

TIMECAP: 9 minutes

Thursday-"Elizabeth"21-15-9 reps for time:
Squat Clean 135#/95#
Ring Dip

TIMECAP: 10 minutes

Friday-AMRAP 10 minutes:3 bear complex, 135#/95#
50 double unders


CF 1 Strength

Monday-20 minutes practicing snatch. Start at hip, go to mid thigh, below knee, floor.

Tuesday-Front Squat
25 minutes to build to 1 @ 9, drop to 2 @ 9 (load drop) 4-6% fatigue (3 down sets)

25 minutes to build to 1 @ 9, drop to 2 @ 9 (load drop) 4-6% fatigue (2 down sets)

Thursday-20 minutes practicing Clean. Start at hip, go to mid thigh, below knee, floor.

Friday-Back Squat
25 minutes to build to 1 @ 9, drop to 2 @ 9 (load drop) 4-6% fatigue (3 down sets)

Saturday-Make up

CF 1 Conditioning

Monday-3 rounds for time:30 Russian kettlebell swings
20 toes-to-bar OR knees-to-chest
10 dumbbell hang power cleans

TIMECAP: 15 minutes

Tuesday-For time:50 pushups
Run 600m
40 pullups OR ring rows
Run 400m
30 step-ups onto bench or box, alternating
Run 200m

TIMECAP: 15 minutes

Wednesday-9-7-5 for time:Deadlift
Burpee Pullup

TIMECAP: 9 minutes

Thursday-21-15-9 reps for time:Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean
Ring Dip or Pushup

TIMECAP: 10 minutes

Friday-AMRAP 10 minutes:3 dumbbell complex
50 double unders
