Saturday, December 28, 2013

Happy New year! Training 12/30/2013-1/4/2014

Happy new years all be sure to make to the PR party on new years day 1/1/2014 to PR whatever you would like and enjoy beer and festivities!

CF 2 Strength

Monday-Backsquat 65%x10x3


Wednesday-PR Party

Thursday-Snatch EMOM x1x15 starting at 70% add weight after 2 good attempts

Friday-Backsquat 75%x5x5

Saturday-Stregnth Make up

CF 2 Conditioning

Monday-21-15-9 Box Jump overs / Squat Cleans 135/95


Wednesday-PR Party

Thursday-2 RFT run 400m 20 DB Thrusters 55/35 80 Double unders

Friday-3 Min AMRAP 7 CTB 7 Thrusters 115/75 rest 1 min then 3min 7 Deadlifts (same weight) 7 Toe to bars


CF 1 Strength

Monday-Back squat 10-10-10


Wednesday-PR Party

Thursday-Snatch From hang

Friday-Backsquat 5-5-5-5-5 no misses

Saturday-Strength Make up

CF 1 Condtioning

Monday-Same with DB


Wednesday-PR party

Thursday-2 RFT 400m run 20 DB thrusters 160 sinlge unders

Friday-3min AMRAP 7 Pullups 7 Burpees rest 1 min then 7 DB Deadlifts 7 Knee to elbows


Saturday, December 21, 2013

Training 12/23/13-12/28/13

Merry Christmas all! The Gym will not be open very much this week so please enjoy your time with your loved ones!

CF 2 Strength

Monday- Backsquat 80%x5x5



Thursday-Group XMAS WoD at 5PM then feast!

Friday-Bench 5-4-3-3-2-2-1 All good reps no misses

Saturday-Farmers Walk 50ft Max load

CF 2 Conditioning

Monday-4x400 with 1:30 rest between rounds



Thursday-Group XMAS WoD 5PM

Friday-AMRAP 12min 6 Deadlifts 275/155 12 Burpees

Saturday-Every 90 sec for 15min Perform 2 Front squats at 85% of 1RM and 10 Pull ups (Scale per person)

CF 1 Strength

Monday-Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 no misses all good reps



Thursday-Group XMAS WoD 5PM

Friday-Bench 5-5-5-5-5

Saturday-Farmers walk max load 50ft

CF 1 Conditioning

Monday-Same as CF2



Thursday-XMAS Group WoD at CFM 5PM

Friday-AMRAP 12min 8DB Deadlifts 12 Burpees

Saturday-Same as CF2 Scaled

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Training week 12/16/2013-12/21/2013

Hey guys hope everyone is doing well on their Xmas shopping! I came up with another small idea that would allow myself along with my fellow TZ athletes to be able to travel California and possibly a little further to compete. Now this would be assuming we do not qualify for regionals, which in no way saying we will not. But I have created a small clothing site through spreadshirt selling a few shirts, shorts and Crossfit clothing to help fund this adventure I hope to be able to pursue! If your not into the clothing and would still like to help in another way feel free to talk to coach Cris. For the record I'm not trying to take your money, simply want the chance to be able to compete all over against whatever and whoever is out there.. Cause fun... KTHX BAI... Heres link

Watch Brittany Hogeman Snatch a lifetime PR post injury here

CF 2 Strength

Monday-Backsquat 3RM (Check previous)

Tuesday-Push Press 5-4-3-2-1 (Building to a heavy single not a 1RM attempt)

Wednesday-Front Squat 5RM

Thursday-Snatch to Max

Friday-Clean to Max

Saturday-Strength Make up

CF 2 Conditioning

Monday-21-15-9 Power cleans / Pull ups

Tuesday-AMRAP 7min 3 Deadlifts 275/155 6 DB Shoulder to overhead

Wednesday-5 Rounds 5 CTB Pull ups 10 KB Swings 15 Sit ups

Thursday-25-15-5 Box Jump overs / DB Walking Lunge..... Rest 1 min then 100 Double unders

Friday-"Nancy" 5 Rounds for time 400m run 15 OH squats 95/65


CF 1 Strength

Monday-Backsquat 3-3-3-3-3 no misses all good reps

Tuesday-Push Press 5-5-5-5-5 no misses small jumps

Wednesday-Front squat 5-5-5

Thursday-Snatch From Hang or POS 2

Friday-Clean From hang

Saturday-Strength Make up

CF 1 Conditioning

Monday-21-15-9 DB power clean / Ring Row or pull ups

Tuesday-AMRAP 7min 6 DB Deadlifts 6 DB shoulder to overhead

Wednesday-5 Rounds 5 Pullups 10 Russian KB Swings 15 sit ups




Monday, December 9, 2013

Training 12/9/13-12/14/13

Sorry about the delay of the post guys! I was in LA coaching a few TZ athletes Dalton King and Harper Foley. They placed 6th overall against 16 very competitive teams in their first ever competition. We had a blast and cant wait to give it another shot!

CF 2 Strength

Monday-Backsquat 85%x3x4

Tuesday-EMOTM Clean and Jerk starting at 80% add weight every 2 good lifts

Wednesday-EMOTM front squat 80%x2x10

Thursday-Snatch+hang snatch 80%x1x3 85%x1x2 90%x1x1

Friday-EMOTM Defecit Deadlift 80%x2 add weight after every 4th attempt x12 (MUST REGRIP AT FLOOR NO TOUCH AND GO)

Saturday-Strength Make up

CF 2 Conditioning

Monday-3 Rounds Run 400m 15 shoulder to overhead 135/95 30 double unders

Tuesday-4 Rounds 7 Snatches 95/65 14 pull ups 7 Kb swings (heavy)

Wednesday-2 Rounds for reps 1:00 DB Cleans 1:00 DB deadlifts 1:00 Burpees Rest :30

Thursday-3 Rounds 15 Toe to bar 15 OH Squats 135/95 15 Box Jumps

Friday-5 Rounds 7 Ring Dips 14 Burpees 21 Air Squats

Saturday-Teams of 3 Team WOD TBA

CF 1 Strength

Monday-Backsquat 3-3-3-3-3 no misses all good reps

Tuesday-Clean to heavy single from hang

Wednesday-EMOTM front squat 2 reps x10

Thursday-Snatch From Hang or POS 2

Friday-Deadlft EMOTM x2 reps as coach perscribes per athlete 12 rounds

Saturday-Strength Make up

CF 1 Conditioning

Monday-Same as CF2 with dumbells

Tuesday-Same as CF2 with Russian KB swings

Wednesday-Same as CF2

Thursday-3 Rounds 15 Knee to elbow or hanging knee raises 20 OH walking lunges 45/25 15 box jumps

Friday-Same as CF2 sub with bench dips or box dips

Saturday-Same as CF2

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Training week of 12/2-12/7/2013

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and congratulations to everyone with their Deadlift and Fran PR's I saw a lot of big lifts and great times and I'm proud of all you guys! Still no cool videos... Stop being lame and SEND ME VIDEOS to

CF 2 Strength

Monday- Backsquat 90%x1x8

Tuesday-Power Clean + Clean + Jerk to heavy set no more than 2 misses at any given weight

Wednesday-Frontsquat 85%x3x3

Thursday-Power Snatch + Snatch To a heavy set no more then 2 misses at any weight

Friday-Push Press 75%x5x5

Saturday- Strength Make up

CF 2 Conditioning

Monday-AMRAP 15min run 200m 10 thrusters 10 pullups

Tuesday-AMRAP 8 Minutes 7 Front squats 155/105 from groun 14 KB Swings

Wednesday-7 min ( amrap) 7 CTB Pull ups 7 Box Jumps rest 3 min then 2 Min Max Burpees

Thursday-"Mini Chief" 3Min AMRAP 3 Power cleans 135/95 6 Push ups 9 air squats rest 1 min REPEAT for 3 CYCLES

Friday-AMRAP 7min 5 Clean and jerk 205/155 30 Double unders

Saturday-In a Team of 2 Complete the Following 200m run with plate 40 HSPU or HR push ups 200m run with plate 40 burpees 200m run with plate 20 Push Press (from floor) 95/65 200m run with plate 40 Squat cleans 155/105 22min cap

CF 1 Strength

Monday-Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 lots of good reps no misses

Tuesday-Clean from hang

Wednesday-Front Squat 3-3-3 go heavy

Thursday-Snatch Fom hang

Friday-Push Press 5-5-5-5-5 no misses small jumps

Saturday-SAME as CF2

CF 1 Conditioning

Monday-AMRAP 15min 200m run 10DB thrusters 10 Pull ups or Ring rows

Tuesday-AMRAP 8min 7 DB squats 14 Russian KB swings

Wednesday-7 Min AMRAP 7 Pull ups or Ring rows 7 box jumps rest 3min then 2min max burpees

Thursday-Same with DB Power cleans

Friday-AMRAP 7min 5 Floor to OH With DB 60 sinlg unders
