Sunday, January 12, 2014

Training 1/13-1/18

CF 2 Strength
Monday-Clean + 3 Front squats + Jerk 65%x1x3 70%x1x3 75%x1x2 80%x1x1(% based on 1RM clean and jerk)
Tuesday-Backsquat 80%x5x5
Wednesday-Snatch Double 75%x1x3 80%x1x2 85%x1x1
Thursday-Every 90sec for 12 min deadlift 85%x1 and 5-15 Pull ups
Friday-Backsquat 85%x3x8
Saturday-Strength make up

CF 2 Conditioning
Monday-"Modified Bergeron Beep Test"Every min perform til you no longer can keep up with the clock5 thrusters 75/55
5 pull ups
5 burpees
Tuesday-AMRAP 8 min200m run
3 TnG power cleans @70% of 1rm power clean
Wednesday-5 Rounds For time 50 Double unders 10 Push Press 115/75 5 Bar facing burpees
Thursday-3 Rounds 5 C2B Pull ups 10 Front Squats (165/115) 10 Burpees
Friday-EMOM 10 min perform 6 burpees and 6 toe to bars(note: if you cannot keep up with the clock scale to a number that allows you to do so.)

CF 1
Monday-Jerk to heavy single
Tuesday-Back squat 5-5-5-5-5 small all sets should be 70-80% effort no misses
Wednesday-Snatch From Hang or Below Knee
Thursday-Same scale DL to individual and. 5-10 ring rows (appropriate weight)
Friday-Back squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3 no misses all good reps with small jumps
Saturday-Strength make up

CF 1 Conditioning
Monday-Same with DB thrusters
Tuesday-AMRAP 8min200m run
5 DB power cleans
Wednesday-5 Rounds for time 100 single unders 10 DB push press 5 bar facing burpees
Thursday-3 rounds for time 5 pull ups 10 DB squats 10 burpees
Friday-Same scale to knee to elbows or hanging knee raises