Sunday, April 20, 2014

Training 4/21/-4/26

If you missed Saturday, Coach Tre brought out Progenex samples for everyone, it was a good time! We are still taking pre-orders for another shipment, please speak to the front desk for more info. Also we have 1 Loco Mocha and 1 Vanilla available for anyone who is interested! Thanks have a great week!

CF 2 Strength

Monday-Front Squat
25 minutes to build to 1 @ 8, drop to 3 @ 9 (load drop) 4-6% fatigue

20 minutes to snatch heavy single, then 85-90%x2x2

Wednesday-Clean & Jerk
20 minutes to clean & jerk heavy single, then 85-90%x2x2

Thursday-Back Squat
20 minutes to build to 1 @ 8, drop to 3 @ 9 (load drop) 4-6% fatigue

25 minutes to build to 1 @ 8, drop to 3 @ 9 (load drop) 4-6% fatigue


CF 2 Conditioning

Monday-3 rounds for time:20 Goblet walking lunges, 55#/35# dumbbell
10 dumbbell snatch, left, 55#/35#
10 dumbbell snatch, right, 55#/35#
5 dumbbell thrusters, left, 55#/35#
5 dumbbell thrusters, right, 55#/35#

TIMECAP: 14 minutes

Tuesday-AMRAP 15 minutes:10 strict pullups
10 strict handstand pushups
Run 200m

Wednesday-4 rounds for total reps:Max overhead squats in 60 seconds, 95#/65#
Max burpees in 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds

Thursday-AMRAP 20 minutes:10 thrusters, 65#/45#
10 pullups

Friday-4 rounds for total reps:Max power snatch in 60 seconds, 115#
Max ring dips in 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds


CF 1 Strength

Monday-Front Squat
25 minutes to build to 1 @ 8, drop to 3 @ 9 (load drop) 4-6% fatigue

Tuesday-20 minutes snatch practice, coach chooses position.

Wednesday-20 minutes clean practice, coach chooses position

Thursday-Back Squat
20 minutes to build to 1 @ 8, drop to 3 @ 9 (load drop) 4-6% fatigue

25 minutes to build to 1 @ 8, drop to 3 @ 9 (load drop) 4-6% fatigue


CF 1 Conditioning

Monday-3 rounds for time:20 Goblet walking lunges
10 dumbbell snatch, left
10 dumbbell snatch, right
5 dumbbell thrusters, left
5 dumbbell thrusters, right

TIMECAP: 14 minutes

Tuesday-AMRAP 15 minutes:10 strict pullups OR ring rows
10 deficit pushups OR pushups
Run 200m

Wednesday-4 rounds for total reps:Max overhead squats OR Goblet squats in 60 seconds
Max burpees in 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds

Thursday-AMRAP 15 minutes:10 thrusters OR front squats
10 pullups OR ring rows

Friday-4 rounds for total reps:Max dumbbell hang power snatch in 60 seconds, alternate every 3 reps
Max Pushups in 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
