Sunday, March 23, 2014

Open Week 5 training 3/24-3/29

CF 2 Strength

Monday-20 minutes: Front Squat 3 @ 9 (Load Drop) 4-6% Fatigue

Tuesday-15 minutes to build to max: Power Snatch + Snatch

Wednesday-15 minutes to build to max: Power Clean + Clean

Thursday-20 minutes: Paused Back Squat 5 @ 9 (Load Drop) 4-6% Fatigue

Friday-Press 6 @ 9 (Load Drop) 4-6% Fatigue

Saturday-Make up

CF 2 Conditioning

Monday-3 rounds for time:15 dumbbell snatch, left arm, 45#/30#
20 chest-to-bar pullups
15 dumbbell snatch, right arm, 45#/30#
20 elevated pushups

TIMECAP: 15 minutes

Tuesday-AMRAP 10 minutes:7 power cleans, 135#/95#
30 double unders

Wednesday-4 rounds for time:25 overhead walking lunges, 45#/25#
15 ring dips
15 pullups

TIMECAP: 15 minutes

Thursday-On a running clock, complete 1 squat clean thruster (115#/75#) the first minute, 2 the second minute, 3 the third minute, etc, until you can no longer keep up with the clock.

Friday-AMRAP 10 minutes:10 push press, 135#/85#
20 UNBROKEN Russian kettlebell swings, 24kg/16kg


CF 1 Strength

Monday-20 minutes: Front Squat 3 @ 9 (Load Drop) 4-6% Fatigue

Tuesday-15 minutes snatch practice, coach chooses position 1, 2, or 3.

Wednesday-15 minutes clean practice, coach chooses position 1, 2, or 3.

Thursday-20 minutes: Paused Back Squat 5 @ 9 (Load Drop) 4-6% Fatigue

Friday-Press 6 @ 9 (Load Drop) 4-6% Fatigue

Saturday-Make Up

CF 1 Conditioning

Monday-3 rounds for time:15 dumbbell snatch, left arm
20 pullups or ring rows
15 dumbbell snatch, right arm
20 pushups

TIMECAP: 15 minutes

Tuesday-AMRAP 10 minutes:7 dumbbell hang power cleans
75 single unders

Wednesday-4 rounds for time:25 walking lunges
15 pushups
15 pullups or ring rows

TIMECAP: 15 minutes

Thursday-On a running clock, complete 1 dumbbell hang squat clean thruster the first minute, 2 the second minute, 3 the third minute, etc, until you can no longer keep up with the clock.

Friday-AMRAP 10 minutes:10 push press
20 UNBROKEN Russian kettlebell swings
