Monday, March 10, 2014

Training 3/10-3/16 Open week 3

CF 2 Strength

Monday-Back Squat 3 @ 10

Tuesday-Clean & Jerk 85%x1x10 on :60

Wednesday-20 minutes: Deadlift 3 @ 8 (Repeat until @ 9)

Thursday-Snatch 85%x1x10 on :60

Friday-20 minutes: Paused Front Squat 3 @ 8 (Repeat until @ 9)

Saturday-Make Up

CF 2 Conditioning

Monday-"21-15-9 for time:

Dumbbell snatch, alternating, 55#/35#

Overrhead walking lunges, 45#/25#

Chest-to-bar pullups

TIMECAP: 12 minutes"

Tuesday-"For time:

Run 400m

50 pushups

40 kettlebell swings, 24kg/16kg

30 box jumps, 24""

20 squat cleans, 155#

10 power snatches, 135#

Run 400m

TIMECAP: 20 minutes


Wednesday-"For time:
75 burpees
At the top of every minute (including the first,) perform 5 power snatches, 95#/65#.

Thursday-"AMRAP 15 minutes:
Run 200m
10 thrusters, 95#/65#
5 CTB pullups
10 KBS, 24kg/16kg
5 sit-ups"

Friday-"5 rounds for total time:
10 hang squat cleans, 115#/75#
40 double unders
Rest 60 seconds"

Saturday 14.3

CF 1 Strength

Monday-Back Squat 3 @ 9

Tuesday-15 minutes jerk practice; coach assigns drill/variation

Wednesday-20 minutes: Deadlift 3 @ 8 (Repeat until @ 9)

Thursday-15 minutes snatch practice, coach chooses position 1, 2, or 3

Friday-20 minutes: Paused Front Squat 3 @ 8 (Repeat until @ 9)

Saturday-make up

CF 1 Conditioning

Monday-"21-15-9 for time:

Dumbbell hang power snatch

Walking Lunge

Pullup or Ring Row

TIMECAP: 12 minutes"

Tuesday-"For time:

Run 400m

50 pushups

40 kettlebell swings

30 box jumps

20 dumbbell hang squat cleans

20 dumbbell hang power snatches, alternating

Run 400m

TIMECAP: 20 minutes


Wednesday-"For time:
75 burpees
At the top of every minute (including the first,) perform 6 dumbbell hang power snatches, alternating.
TIMECAP: 12 minutes."

Thursday-"AMRAP 15 minutes:
Run 200m
10 thrusters
5 pullups
10 Russian KBS
5 sit-ups"

Friday-"5 rounds for total time:
10 dumbbell hang squat cleans
80 single unders
Rest 60 seconds"
