Sunday, March 30, 2014

Training 3/31-4/5

Well the 2014 open season is over guys! It was great seeing everyone put fourth their best effort and smash those 5 workouts! Congrats to those who PR'd and to those who did it for the first time. Welcome back to STRENGTH Season ladies and gentlemen!

CF 2 Strength

Monday-20 minutes: Snatch to max, then 85-90%x2x2

Tuesday-Back Squat 6 @ 9 (Load Drop) 4-6% Fatigue

Wednesday-20 minutes: clean & jerk to max, then 85-90%x(2+1)x2 OR 85-90%x(1+2)x2

Thursday-20 minutes: Deadlift 6 @ 9 (Load Drop) 4-6% Fatigue

Friday-20 minutes: Paused Back Squat 6 @ 9 (Load Drop) 4-6% Fatigue

Saturday-Make Up

CF 2 Conditioning

Monday-6 rounds for total time:6 clean & jerk, 135#/95#
12 one legged squats, alternating
30 double unders
Rest 60 seconds

TIMECAP: 15 minutes

Tuesday-AMRAP 8:Run 100m
7 thrusters, 115#/75#

Wednesday-5 rounds for total reps:1:00 hang squat snatch, 95#65#
1:00 burpees
1:00 rest

Thursday-4 rounds for time:2 rope climbs, 15' ascent
30 Russian kettlebell swings, heavy


Friday-6 rounds for total time:Run 200m
15 pullups
Rest 30 seconds

TIMECAP: 15 minutes

Saturday-TEAMS of 3 or 4, complete:
100 burpees
200 pushups
300 sit-ups
400 air squats

CF 1 Strength

Monday-20 minutes snatch practice, coach chooses position 1, 2 or 3.

Tuesday-Back Squat 6 @ 9 (Load Drop) 4-6% Fatigue

Wednesday-20 minutes jerk practice, coach chooses exercise.

Thursday-20 minutes: Deadlift 6 @ 9 (Load Drop) 4-6% Fatigue

Friday-20 minutes: Paused Back Squat 6 @ 9 (Load Drop) 4-6% Fatigue

Saturday-Make Up

CF 1 Conditioning

Monday-6 rounds for total time:6 dumbbell hang power clean + push press
12 walking lunges
50 jump rope
Rest 60 seconds

TIMECAP: 15 minute

Tuesday-AMRAP 8:Run 100m
7 thrusters

Wednesday-5 rounds for total reps:1:00 dumbbell hang power snatch, alternating
1:00 burpees
1:00 rest

Thursday-4 rounds for time:8 strict pullups
25 Russian kettlebell swings


Friday-6 rounds for total time:Run 200m
10 pullups OR 10 jumping pullups
Rest 30 seconds

TIMECAP: 15 minutes

Saturday-TEAMS of 3 or 4, complete:
100 burpees
200 pushups
300 sit-ups
400 air squats